


"For you I brought a flower, I'll leave it here under an overcast sky..."

"For you, I brought a flower I'll leave it here under an overcast sky" 2012
"...Para ti
una flor he traído
te la dejaré allí
bajo un cielo nublado..."An excerpt  by Eros Ramazzotti y Amaia Montero "Esta pasando Noviembre'

About the painting:
A somber moment in time
yet when I started this painting, it had a more optimistic background of vibrant blues for the sky, it was a much larger sky.

The little girl was a reference, torn from a magazine that an elderly friend had kept, probably from the 1960's. Yet the composition changed drastically, my mother was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. 
Instead of a happy flower garden under a majestic blue sky, I shrank the sky, looking more as a field or mountain had taken over the once vibrant blue sky...
and the little girl, her face has minimal detail, like a glimpse,  
yet her expression may be felt as she looks at the flower in her hand, her aching pink dress.
A somber moment in time, 
This portrait of a girl with a bleeding dress. Hence the flower garden around her.

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